Citrus Fresh Young Living Essential Oils Menyegarkan
Selain EO Melrose dan EO Palmarosa, saya beli juga EO (Essential Oils) Citrus Fresh Young Living. Sengaja memilih wangian segar citrus cresh selain bau manis bunga (EO Palmarosa) dan kehangatan aroma rempah (EO Melrose).
Bauan citrus ni ada macam-macam. Ada lemon, lime, grapefruit, orange, jade lemon, lemon myrtle dan tangerine. Biasanya saya beli lemon. Asyik lemon je, tukar bau lah pulak. EO Grapefruit pun bau dia best jugak!

2. Wash away the day. Name a more a-peel-ing scent than Citrus Fresh. We’ll wait! No? Well, then make sure it’s a staple in your bathroom. When infused in shower gels, DIY exfoliating soaps, or DIY bath jellies, Citrus Fresh is a total hit with kids and adults of all ages.
3. Roll on sunshine. Swipe on a bit of cheer! Complement the lustrous aroma of citrus oils with the equally fresh Northern Lights Black Spruce in a roll-on.
Citrus fresh essential oil blend recipe
• 3 drops Citrus Fresh essential oil blend
• 2 drops Lime essential oil
• 2 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce essential oil
• 1-2 teaspoons V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex
*Citrus Fresh is photosensitizing, so avoid direct sun exposure at the site of application for 12 hours after using it topically.
4. Get rid of grease. Putting off scrubbing away at that tower of dishes? Make it easy-breezy by adding 3-4 drops of Citrus Fresh to Thieves® Dish Soap, since Lemon and Orange essential oils are masters when it comes to getting ride of greasy residue.
5. Out with unwanted odors. After the riffraff—aka those kids we love so much—are done with parties, sleepovers, and movie marathons, diffuse smell-conquering Citrus Fresh to cleanse the air. In spaces where diffusing is difficult, stash oil-infused cotton balls.
6. Add fruity flavor. Don’t forget about Citrus Fresh’s twin: Citrus Fresh Vitality™! Add this burst of yummy to parfaits, marinades, infused oils and vinegars, and any other culinary creation you come up with. With top-notch antioxidant properties, adding a drop or two of deliciousness to water is an absolute no-brainer.
7. Be artsy. Let your creative juices flow! Grab your paintbrushes, violin, or knitting needles and let your muse speak to you. When the happy aromas of Citrus Fresh and Lemongrass combine with legendary Frankincense and sharp Eucalyptus Radiata, there’ll be no end to what you can make.
Bau EO Citrus Fresh ni saya yakin semua orang sukakan baunya. Kalau diffuse sambil buat kerja waktu pagi tu memang best lah! Sambil tu ON air cond sekali. Baru ngam bau dia merebak memenuhi ruang bilik. Feeling good!

Citrus Fresh Young Living Essential Oils
Citrus Fresh adalah campuran minyak pati Orange, Grapefruit, Mandarin, Tangerine, Lemon, Spearmint yang menenangkan, disukai oleh kanak-kanak dan orang dewasa. Kaya dengan antioksidan yang tinggi dengan d-limonene, ia membawa rasa kesejahteraan, kreativiti dan perasaan kegembiraan. Ia juga berfungsi sebagai pembersih bau.Cara Penggunaan
Membaur, menyedut secara langsung, atau larutkan dengan V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex untuk sapu secara topikal.Young Living Essential Oils Citrus Fresh uses & benefits
1. Perk up. Start your day with a slice of magic! The second your eyes open in the morning, hit start on your diffuser and let the sparkly scent of Citrus Fresh begin your day on the best note.2. Wash away the day. Name a more a-peel-ing scent than Citrus Fresh. We’ll wait! No? Well, then make sure it’s a staple in your bathroom. When infused in shower gels, DIY exfoliating soaps, or DIY bath jellies, Citrus Fresh is a total hit with kids and adults of all ages.
3. Roll on sunshine. Swipe on a bit of cheer! Complement the lustrous aroma of citrus oils with the equally fresh Northern Lights Black Spruce in a roll-on.
Citrus fresh essential oil blend recipe
• 3 drops Citrus Fresh essential oil blend
• 2 drops Lime essential oil
• 2 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce essential oil
• 1-2 teaspoons V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex
*Citrus Fresh is photosensitizing, so avoid direct sun exposure at the site of application for 12 hours after using it topically.
4. Get rid of grease. Putting off scrubbing away at that tower of dishes? Make it easy-breezy by adding 3-4 drops of Citrus Fresh to Thieves® Dish Soap, since Lemon and Orange essential oils are masters when it comes to getting ride of greasy residue.
5. Out with unwanted odors. After the riffraff—aka those kids we love so much—are done with parties, sleepovers, and movie marathons, diffuse smell-conquering Citrus Fresh to cleanse the air. In spaces where diffusing is difficult, stash oil-infused cotton balls.
6. Add fruity flavor. Don’t forget about Citrus Fresh’s twin: Citrus Fresh Vitality™! Add this burst of yummy to parfaits, marinades, infused oils and vinegars, and any other culinary creation you come up with. With top-notch antioxidant properties, adding a drop or two of deliciousness to water is an absolute no-brainer.
7. Be artsy. Let your creative juices flow! Grab your paintbrushes, violin, or knitting needles and let your muse speak to you. When the happy aromas of Citrus Fresh and Lemongrass combine with legendary Frankincense and sharp Eucalyptus Radiata, there’ll be no end to what you can make.
sumber : youngliving
Maklumat lanjut tentang kegunaan dan manfaat EO Citrus Fresh boleh rujuk pada sumber link yang saya kongsikan. Maaf, tak rajin nak translate.
Citrus Fresh Young Living price
RM 92.50 (retail price)Bau EO Citrus Fresh ni saya yakin semua orang sukakan baunya. Kalau diffuse sambil buat kerja waktu pagi tu memang best lah! Sambil tu ON air cond sekali. Baru ngam bau dia merebak memenuhi ruang bilik. Feeling good!
manfaat yang baik untuk kesihatan
ReplyDeleteBetul, boleh digunakan jika serasi dan sesuai.
Deletedulu ade jugak CF ni..memang sedap dan fresh bau dia..bila pasang, rumah rasa bersih aje.. sungguh bau dia. Bersih dan menyegarkan gitu.
DeleteAkak x beli2 lagi YL ni..sellau share ngan kawan opis meja sebelah je..dia selalu on time kerja kat opis..hehehe....
ReplyDeleteBest kan pepagi bau citrus fresh ni. Segar je rasa pagi pagi tu.
DeleteHai kak Fiza, apa kabar? Saya juga pengguna oil dari Young Living, aroma kesukaan saya lavender, RC dan lemon. Kebetulan saya pengidap asthma, jadi saya rajin meracik oil di botol kecil, Alhamdulillah membantu sangat. Saya juga suka aroma Valor
ReplyDeleteHai Naia, Alhamdulillah..Terima kasih bertanya. Naia sihat? Saya pun suka aroma lavender, RC dan lemon. Melrose pun lebih kurang RC, best jugak. Alhamdulillah membantu. Valor saya tak pernah ada lagi.
DeleteKalau gabungan semua bahan citrus boleh bayang berapa sedap baunya.
ReplyDeleteTerasa-rasa bau fresh citrus tu kan kak :)